Noted stick figure and far right pundit, Ann Coulter, is on the spot for voting illegally in Florida, says the Palm Beach Post:
Conservative pundit and best-selling political writer Ann Coulter has hired a white-glove, White House-connected law firm to fight allegations she voted illegally in February's Town of Palm Beach election.
And the attorney from the Miami-based Kenny Nachwalter firm is no stranger to Palm Beach voting. Marcos Jimenez — who was, along with the more famous Olson, one of the lead attorneys who fought for George W. Bush's side in the 2000 presidential election snafu here — was assigned to Coulter.
A poll worker reported to his supervisors that he saw Coulter try to vote in the precinct closest to her Palm Beach home. But when she was told the address on her voter's registration was elsewhere, Coulter ran out instead of correcting it and ended up voting in a precinct that wasn't hers. Knowingly voting in the wrong precinct in Florida is a felony.
Maybe Coulter didn't get the newsletter, voting is out of fashion for the right - all the cool kids are bribing officials and rigging elections now. Ann, you are so 1996!
Here's what Coulter had to say about other floridian voters in 2000 (courtesy of TownHall.com:
I love these jackasses claiming they meant to vote for Gore but — whoops! — slipped and pulled the lever for Buchanan instead! Oh really. Let’s pretend that’s true. Sorry, but that’s one of the disabilities of being a political party that preys on the stupid. Sometimes your “base” forgets it’s Election Day, too. Live by demagoguing to the feeble-minded, die by demagoguing to the feeble-minded.
But, by golly, when she screws up Florida's confusing elections, it's just an honest mistake. So let me get this straight, if you make a mistake while voting for a democrat, you're a 'jackass'. If you do the same while (assumedly) voting for a republican, well, it's just a mistake - you're still brilliant.
Nothing like hypocrisy to prove your neocon bona fides. Well, that and election fraud.