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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Equality Before the Bench Today

Same-sex wedding
In his morning headlines post, Greg Sargent gets right to the day's big story:

Today the Prop 8 case is being argued before the Supreme Court, and a sweeping ruling that strikes the law down as unconstitutional could pave the way for full marriage equality being the law of the land across the country. Such a ruling would be a historic outcome for equality and civil rights in this country.

Whether or not such a ruling will actually take place is a matter for patience. But one thing's for sure: there is no going back. No matter what happens today, it's becoming clearer and clearer that marriage equality will happen. The war against the Homosexual Menace is lost and those still fighting it are deadenders at their dead end.


If the law at issue before the Supreme Court were to be voted on today, it would lose in a landslide. Californians regret falling for homophobic BS and voting to ban same sex marriage. 67% of Californians now believe that same-sex couples deserve the legal benefits of marriage. Only 30% oppose the idea.

"Conservatives have argued that if the Court rules against Prop 8, it will somehow invalidate the will of the voters who supported the ballot initiative," reports ThinkProgress. "Not only do voters not have the power to undermine the freedoms enshrined in the Constitution, but it’s clear that the anti-gay animus that motivated Prop 8′s passage no longer represents the majority of California values."

Nor does it represent the majority of American voters. A CNN poll finds:

...57% say they have a family member or close friend who is gay or lesbian, up 12 points from 2007.

"The number of Americans who support same-sex marriage has risen by almost the same amount in that time - from 40% in 2007 to 53% today - strongly suggesting that the rise in support for gay marriage is due in part to the rising number of Americans who have become aware that someone close to them is gay," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

A CBS poll finds the exact same percentage of support. Additionally, it shows a stunning change in public attitudes on the issue; a full third of the respondents "who now think same-sex couples should be allowed to legally marry say they once held the opposite view."

If same-sex marriage were on a ballot, rather than before the Supreme Court, it would win. And Washington adds one new marriage equality supporter today, with Alaska Sen. Mark Begich joining in.

If you're a homophobe, this whole thing must look like it's spinning radically out of control in a big hurry. You won't get any sympathy from me.

Our friends, neighbors, and family members deserve the same respect, dignity, and liberty we all enjoy. Regardless of what happens today, they will get it. If not immediately, then very soon. As corny as it sounds, love will win in the end.


[photo by stevendamron]

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